Domino is a game that involves placing domino pieces on the table edge to edge. Each domino has one face displaying a number, or pips, and the other side is blank or identically patterned. The total value of each domino is determined by the number of pips on the two faces combined. A domino with more pips on one half than the other is called a double.
Domino pieces can be stacked on end to form long chains of tiles. If a domino is tipped, it triggers the next domino in the line to tip over and so on until all of the tiles have fallen. This is the basis of the popular saying, “the domino effect,” which describes a situation where one event leads to much greater consequences than expected.
In fiction, scene dominoes might be used to represent a point in a story’s timeline or argument. Each scene domino is ineffective on its own, but when stacked together they naturally influence the next scene.
When writing a novel, it is often helpful to think of each scene as a domino in the story. This helps ensure that the scenes progress in a way that is logical and makes sense for your characters.
For example, if your heroine is in a dangerous situation and shoots someone, it is important to ensure that the scenes that follow explain why she did so. If the scenes don’t make sense, then the reader will struggle to accept why your heroine went against societal norms.
The Domino’s Pizza business model is a good example of a domino effect. The company started out small and grew quickly through strategic location choices. Domino’s founder, Tom Monaghan, chose to place pizzerias near college campuses because that was where he believed his core customer base would be. This strategy led to rapid growth for the company, resulting in over 200 stores by 1978.
As the company has grown, the leadership structure at Domino’s has changed. Instead of relying on bureaucratic management, the company has opted for a more participatory approach to leadership. The CEO of the company, Don Meij, has been seen on television working in several Domino’s locations and analyzing how employees interact with customers.
When playing a game of domino, the winning player is the first to reach a certain score or level. This score is usually determined by how many dominoes a player has remaining when the game ends. A player can also win by knocking out all of the opposing players’ dominoes. This can happen by a single player placing a domino so that it is touching an end of a chain or by playing a double. The latter can only be done if the player has the exact combination of pips on the two facings of the domino. If the player has a different combination, then they must continue play until all of the players have chipped out. This usually happens when the sum of the pips on the left and right faces reaches or surpasses a particular number.