Domino is a type of game in which players place dominoes edge to edge on the floor, or a table. Each domino has an identity-bearing side and a blank or identically patterned other side. The identifying side of each domino is marked with an arrangement of dots, called pips, similar to those used on a die. The number of pips on each end of the domino determines its value in a given game. Unlike playing cards, which are stacked in sets of 52, dominoes can be lined up in many different ways to create an infinite number of games.
In the most common domino game, players score points by laying tiles end to end so that the exposed ends match (i.e., one’s touch ones and two’s touch twos). When the ends of a line total a multiple of five the player wins the game. In addition to simple matching games, other rules exist for forming snake-line chains of dominoes, adding additional sides to doubles, and placing the first tile in a row.
Although domino has been around for centuries, it’s only recently that the game has achieved wide popularity. Some experts attribute this increase to the rise of online gaming. With the advent of online games, players are able to connect with each other through social media and play against or with friends from anywhere in the world. This newfound accessibility has helped to make domino a popular activity for people of all ages and backgrounds.
While Domino has become a popular entertainment option, it’s also found its way into the world of business. As a metaphor for a chain reaction, the term domino effect has been used by political leaders to describe a situation in which a small trigger can start a cascade of events. For example, in the Cold War era, President Eisenhower cited the Domino Effect during a press conference when explaining America’s decision to aid South Vietnam.
This domino effect is often averted by focusing on the root cause of a problem. In a corporate setting, the term is often used to encourage employees to address the concerns of coworkers. Taking action to resolve employee issues is one of the main components of a successful company culture.
To improve communication among employees, Domino has made it a priority to listen to employee feedback and use it to drive change. The company’s previous CEO, David Brandon, was known to attend employee meetings and talk with workers face-to-face. When Tony Doyle took over as CEO, he maintained this open line of communication.
In addition to listening to employee concerns, Domino’s has taken steps to modernize its image and create a fun workplace culture. Domino recently launched a tongue-in-cheek campaign around its relationship with England’s national football team. The campaign featured the brand’s mascot, Jimmy Bullard, and promoted how Domino is the perfect partner to watch soccer games at home. This campaign was in alignment with Domino’s core values, including “Champion Our Customers.” The company has also implemented a flexible dress code and new leadership training programs.