A domino is a small rectangular block with anywhere from 0 to 6 dots that are used in the game of dominoes. Typically, one side of the domino has a number that corresponds to its value in the game (for example, a six-sided domino is worth 6 points, while a double-blank domino is worth 0). A player scores a round by either advancing all of his or her tiles to the end of the line of play, or reaching a target score such as 100 or 200. The first person to reach the target score wins.
The word “domino” may be derived from the Latin dominus, meaning “lord.” It is also a play on words, as in the phrase domino effect, which refers to a chain reaction wherein one event causes another to happen, over and over again.
When referring to an organization or company, the word domino evokes images of a company that is solidly structured and organized. A perfect example of this is Domino’s Pizza, which has a well-defined leadership structure and listens to its employees to find out what changes they need. This is evident in their recent series, Undercover Boss, where the CEO of Domino’s, Don Meij, goes undercover to learn what it is really like working at a Domino’s restaurant.
Domino’s is also known for their commitment to listening to customers, as evidenced by their response to the Detroit Free Press’ Top Workplaces survey. Their focus on listening to customer feedback helped them make changes that resulted in Domino’s receiving the award. Domino’s leadership style and commitment to their employees and customers is reflected in the company’s core values, which are summarized as:
When playing a domino game, additional tiles are placed on the existing layout. The rules of the game determine whether the additional tiles can be placed agains the long or short sides of the domino and if the ends must match. For example, a six-sided domino has an open end of both 5 and 6, while a double-blank has an open end only of 4. Depending on the rules of the game, some games allow additional tiles to be played on the opposite side of a double as well, allowing for more complicated patterns. In addition, some games use a set of doubles to act as spinners for the lines of play, adding more possibilities to the layout.